"Barentsin alue" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan Erillisteokset ja sarjajulkaisut
Viitteet 1-6 / 6
Barents tourism : action plan (2nd edition)
(Lapin yliopisto, 2013) -
Encountering the changing Barents : research challenges and opportunities
(Lapin yliopisto, 2010) -
Libraries @ Barents - communicative and active! : 19th Barents Library Conference
(Lapin korkeakoulukonserni, 2011) -
Politics of development in the Barents region
(Lapin yliopistokustannus, 2012) -
School, Culture and Well-Being ArctiChildren Research and Development Findings from Northern Finland, Sweden and Norway, and North-West Russia
Lapin yliopiston kasvatustieteellisiä raportteja :4 (2006)