The role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) within an educational bilingual programme in Finland : a case study under CLIL approach perception
Sánchez Navarro, Luis (2016)
Sánchez Navarro, Luis
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The processes of globalization - as well as technological developments - in which many European countries are involved today, bring the necessity to dominate, at least, a common foreign language for all these countries that satisfies the communication between them. Similarly, these changes affect on the education sector providing many bilingual education programs that are increasing more and more, making new generations bilingual for the future. On the other hand, the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) plays an important role in the digital education of foreign languages for both, teachers and students.
For this purpose, the aim of the present thesis is to analyse, describe and interpret the role of ICTs within an Educational Bilingual Program in Finland under Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach’s perception. Also, under this goal, teachers’ perceptions and feelings about using ICTs when teaching through a foreign language will be analysed. This Master’s thesis is based on the combination of two different methodologies: direct observations at the institution where I focused this study and interviews to four Finnish teachers of that institution.
For this purpose, the aim of the present thesis is to analyse, describe and interpret the role of ICTs within an Educational Bilingual Program in Finland under Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach’s perception. Also, under this goal, teachers’ perceptions and feelings about using ICTs when teaching through a foreign language will be analysed. This Master’s thesis is based on the combination of two different methodologies: direct observations at the institution where I focused this study and interviews to four Finnish teachers of that institution.