"gender" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan Pro gradu -tutkielmat
Viitteet 1-6 / 6
Eri sukupuolisten nuorten kokemuksia koulun kuvataidekasvatuksesta suhtees-sa heidän vapaa-ajan kuvakulttuureihinsa
(Lapin yliopisto, 2018)Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli ottaa selville, miten koulujen kuvataideopetus kohtaa tyttöjen ja poikien vapaa-ajan kuvakulttuurit. Erityisesti tutkimuksen kohteena olivat mediavaikut-teiset harrastelijataiteilijat. Tutkimus ... -
Kuvataide, pojat ja yläkoulu: poikien kuvataidesuhdetta etsimässä
(Lapin yliopisto, 2015)This research brings forth understanding about boys experiences in art education. The subject is important, for in the fields of media and art education, there has been information about a phenomenon, which speaks of the ... -
Resisting expectations : Discourse analysis of Finnish travel literature about solo female travelers
(Lapin yliopisto, 2023)Over the past decade, interest in solo travel has grown considerably. Still, the existing literature is limited, and the experiences of Finnish solo travelers in particular have received little attention. This study examines ... -
Self-presentation and gender of chinese overseas students on social media : a case study of Sina Weibo
(Lapin yliopisto, 2014)Chinese micro-blogging sites have been developing dramatically in the past 5 years. Therefore, China is an interesting context in which to study Chinese young adults’ self-presentation and gender identity on the most popular ... -
The UNICEF policy program of Child-Friendly School in practice in Sunrise Boarding School
(Lapin yliopisto, 2017)The research study examines the level of implementation of UNICEF Child-Friendly School model, positive initiatives as well as challenges of Sunrise Boarding school, it is a private school located in Kathmandu, Nepal. The ... -
WHOSE HERITAGE? Critical discourse analysis of the archaeological heritage exhibition ''Told by the Graves'' in Mikkeli region, 1994
(Lapin yliopisto, 2020)Heritage has many meanings depending on the context. The previous studies have disclosed that heritage is a choice, and it is part of various negotiations and embedded power relations. It is a social practice, a discourse ...