Lauda: viimeistä lisäystä

Viitteet 2621-2640 / 6489

    • Nature is the Thing 

      Mustajärvi, Emma; Remes, Enni
      Publications of the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland Series D. Opintojulkaisuja : 28 (University of Lapland, 2018)
    • Komi through Knitting and Weaving 

      Härkönen, Elina
      Publications of the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland Series D. Opintojulkaisuja : 28 (University of Lapland, 2018)
    • Chaipit’e (tea drinking) on the Bank of River Vym 

      Vladimirova, Vladislava
      Publications of the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland Series D. Opintojulkaisuja : 28 (University of Lapland, 2018)
    • Meditations on the Landscape and the LiLa Project 

      Sallstedt, Alexander
      Publications of the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland Series D. Opintojulkaisuja : 28 (University of Lapland, 2018)
    • Komi River Landscapes as Fishermen’s Taskscape 

      Stöckell, Antti
      Publications of the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland Series D. Opintojulkaisuja : 20 (University of Lapland, 2018)
    • Homely and Unfamiliar Landscape 

      Jokela, Timo
      Publications of the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland Series D. Opintojulkaisuja : 28 (University of Lapland, 2018)
    • Colour Maps 

      Mustajärvi, Emilia
      Publications of the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland Series D. Opintojulkaisuja : 28 (University of Lapland, 2018)
    • Old, New, Borrowed, Blue 

      Kravtsov, Tanya; Härkönen, Elina
      Publications of the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland Series D. Opintojulkaisuja : 28 (University of Lapland, 2018)
    • Clothes as a Part of Nature 

      Kostareva, Lidia
      Publications of the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland Series D. Opintojulkaisuja : 28 (University of Lapland, 2018)
    • Ladies in the Landscape 

      Remes, Enni
      Publications of the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland Series D. Opintojulkaisuja : 28 (University of Lapland, 2018)
    • In Grandma’s Thoughts 

      Hiltunen, Mirja
      Publications of the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland Series D. Opintojulkaisuja : 28 (University of Lapland, 2018)
    • Traditional Akan Dolls from Komi 

      Zemtsova, Irina
      Publications of the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland Series D. Opintojulkaisuja : 28 (University of Lapland, 2018)
    • Being Russian Outside 

      Lyantsevich, Aneliya
      Publications of the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland Series D. Opintojulkaisuja : 28 (University of Lapland, 2018)
    • Баня– sauna– пывсян 

      Hiltunen, Mirja
      Publications of the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland Series D. Opintojulkaisuja : 28 (University of Lapland, 2018)
    • The Thing 2 

      Mustajärvi, Emilia
      Publications of the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland Series D. Opintojulkaisuja : 28 (University of Lapland, 2018)
    • Beautiful Traces 

      Durnev, Vladimir
      Publications of the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland Series D. Opintojulkaisuja : 28 (University of Lapland, 2018)
    • A Unique Finding of a Lion, that had been Hiding for a Long Time 

      Zemtsova, Irina
      Publications of the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland Series D. Opintojulkaisuja : 28 (University of Lapland, 2018)
    • Signs of the place 

      Lyantsevich, Aneliya
      Publications of the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland Series D. Opintojulkaisuja : 28 (University of Lapland, 2018)
    • Living in the Komi landscape : summer school and exhibition 

      Jokela, Timo; Hiltunen, Mirja; Härkönen, Elina; Stöckell, Antti; Taiteiden tiedekunta
      Publications of the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland. Series D. Opintojulkaisuja : 28 (Lapin yliopisto, 2018)
    • Total festival experience :a mixed methods research approach to consumer experiences in Finnish cultural festivals 

      Kinnunen, Maarit
      Acta electronica Universitatis Lapponiensis : 248 (Lapin yliopisto, 2018)
      The festival experience is one of the main motivations for festival participation. Furthermore, studies reveal that festival experiences contain elements that can be used in building the festival brand; that in turn, ...